Bex Trex …to teaching!: Busy, busy, busy!

ince my last blog post around three weeks ago a lot has been going on and it’s all gone past in a blur!  I’ve taken my first whole lessons with my two year seven classes, taken starters and plenaries with year ten, helped out with year eight, nine and eleven and been assigned a tutor group to help out with.  The anonymous buddy system we have at school is making things better though – we’ve been assigned someone that we can leave notes and buy little gifts for.  My buddy has bought me chocolate and biscuits so far – I think they’ve got me sussed – and they’ve left me notes like ‘eat away the stress’ and ‘share these and make everyone love you’.  Just the sort of thing you want to see at the end of a busy week.

via Bex Trex …to teaching!: Busy, busy, busy!.


About teachingbattleground

I teach
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