This much I know about…the worth of a university degree


I have been a teacher for 27 years, a Headteacher for 12 years and, at the age of 51, this much I know about the worth of a university degree.

My degree was worth everything to me. If my A levels liberated me, my degree launched me into a profession. As a member of the first generation university brigade life choices opened up to me that were closed shut to both my siblings and my ancestors. My three years studying in York were illuminated by Jacques Berthoud’s sparkling English department (1984–1987) which was known as the Golden Generation. York gave me friends for life. It was where I met my wife. And on my first ever solo supermarket shopping trip I learnt to pack my yoghurts in the top of my shopping bag; put them at the bottom and it gets very messy.

Your parents can grant your degree a level of…

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