Same problem, new solution | KristianStill/Blog

Never before, as a teacher, have I been as fortunate and privileged as I am now. In my role, I see at least five teachers ‘at work’ almost every day, sometimes more, and I undertake more lesson observations than ever before. Today I saw ‘Atom dating,’ dropped in on the ‘Night of the long knives,’ calculated perimeter and area, witnessed classes expectations set on a handful of occasions and listened to, and encouraged a colleague whose lesson had ended in disaster. I lead a data monitoring session and I phoned five parents or carers. Good day. And Still – I am on the look out for new strategies. Given that we are relaunching homework, it seems apt to share it with our staff.

via Same problem, new solution | KristianStill/Blog.


About teachingbattleground

I teach
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