As teachers, do we sometimes try too hard?


I sometimes feel guilty when I go on the TES resources pages or the #mfltwitterati. I am frequently struck by the time and effort that teachers must have put in to create the glossy powerpoints, the marking grids, the self assessment sheets. Often it seems to be teachers teaching in really challenging schools, categorized by Ofsted as inadequate or requiring improvement, that have produced some of the most elaborate work. Much of the material is examination focussed and the tips and strategies suggested contain a lot of good sense. Many of the other activities suggested are promoted as facilitating pupil engagement and in this respect they have obviously succeeded, judging by the many appreciative comments. One cannot be anything other than impressed by the creativity and ingenuity displayed.

Yet a warning bell sometimes tinkles at the back of my mind. Having been around a fairly long time, I was reminded of a…

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About fish64

Full time teacher for over 30 years - last 9 years as Head of Department. Broadly traditional - I support the idea of core knowledge - but disagree with scripted lessons! All views my own
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