Keeping it simple in 2015

Reflecting English

80-20finalImage: @jasonramasami

Armed with a cup of tea and a tin of chocolate biscuits, I have finally made the decision to sit down and write this reflection. The watery sunlight of 2014 is quickly disappearing behind the row of terraced houses opposite my own, so I better get going…

2014: the highlights

My 3 year-old son. He is the most relaxed and gentle child you could ever meet – like a pint-sized Gandhi (apart from a certain stubbornness at dinner times!). Hearing his language develop this year has been fascinating; the way young children acquire words seems to me mysterious and almost magical. We have read to George every day since he was born and it is incredible to see the effect of this on him. Some days he will spend at least an hour in total listening to stories. When reading to him as a very young child, it…

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About gwenelope

English and Media Studies teacher in the wilds of Coventry, about to start my tenth year, which in itself is frankly terrifying. In the small pockets of free time I have have been known to do things like Tough Guy, circuit classes and swim often, very often. It is what keeps sanity near and insanity at bay.
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