Carol Dweck, Mindset: How you can fulfill your potential


I read this a couple of years ago but I haven’t bothered writing about it until now because the ideas so quickly became ubiquitous in education that I wasn’t sure that there was much point.  The growth mindset is talked about with such frequency at the school where I work that it has become a standing joke with our students.  It is safe to assume that pretty much all teachers these days are familiar with the concepts of growth and fixed mindsets.  Most of those teachers haven’t read the book, though, and that is starting to bother me.  How can anyone hope to understand a theory properly when their own acquaintance with it was in an INSET session the September before last?  And if the theory is not properly understood then there is a danger of it being over simplified, misrepresented and misapplied.  If more people had actually read Howard…

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