New study on the effect of different teacher interaction styles

From experience to meaning...

Learning styles have no effect, but teacher interaction styles do have. The teacher’s interaction style can either foster or slow down the development of math skills among children with challenging temperaments. This was shown in the results of the study “Parents, teachers and children’s learning” carried out at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.In the study around 150 children were followed and the researchers studied their interaction with parents and teachers across the first grade of primary school using the diary method.

If I look at this study, the key word is actually not “style”, the key word is “interaction” (bold by me):

Overall, the results of the present study suggest that low task orientation and negative emotionality (which both reflect a difficult temperament) may lead to increased behavioral control attempts by teachers, which then help the student improve his or her math performance in particular. The result is understandable since both…

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