Making life easier

Rather random thoughts of a new SENCO

I am a greater in making life easier if I can, why reinvent the wheel?

At the SENCO accreditation course we were discussing provision maps. How did we all do them? We shared ideas. One school had a one page provision map that wouldn’t take hours to do or review. It took me about 20 minutes to make one listing all of the things that we do for the children, from Quality First Teaching, through pencil grips and referrals to the Ed Psych right through to EHCPs with allocated 1-1 hours.

It is amazing what all children are offered, or is available for them if they need it. It will be easy to use highlighters –  red for autumn, yellow for spring, green for summer and blue for all year to mark on what we are doing. It is so simple that actually we could do one for every child if…

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About teachingbattleground

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