8 Easy Steps To Completing a Freedom of Information Request

Laura McInerney

A few people have contacted me recently asking how they use the Freedom of Information Act to access documents held by the government or other public authorities (including schools and Ofsted). I’m always delighted to help but I also understand people want to be able to do things for themselves. Hence, I’ve put together three blogs: an entry level guide (this one), a medium guide (next week), and an advanced one (the week after that). This one is generic, the later ones will focus on edu-requests.

8 Easy Steps to Completing a Freedom of Information Request

1. Know that the law is on your side. The presumption is always that you can have a document. It is down to the public authority to demonstrate why exceptions should be made and info be hidden. Hence, never think an authority is granting you a favour when they give you information. It’s ours

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