Why I became radicalised – the sequel. Frying pan to fire.

Esse Quam Videri

This post follows on from ‘Why I Became Radicalised’

“Handwriting books?”

“The quaint, ill-informed notions some parents have,” said the smile that crossed the face of Miss Dover, the acting head of my second daughter’s new infant school.

“No, children learn through play but we do model correct letter formation when we see children choosing to write…”

I was a seasoned veteran now and knew it was counterproductive to challenge what seemed nonsense to me. I wanted to ask:

  • How children could possibly get enough practice from optional writing activities and minimal formal instruction?
  • Didn’t this approach widen the gap between the keenest and the uninterested?
  • Didn’t it just reinforce bad habits if children weren’t corrected?

However, I had just moved my daughter mid-year because of the problems at her last school and besides I felt really sorry for poor Miss Wilton the Reception teacher. She was flanked at this…

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About teachingbattleground

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